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There are many good RKBA sites out there and I haven't come anywhere close of listing them all. I have chosen a few of the many that I feel are the best sites that pertain to the subject at hand. More will probably be added in the future. However, I do not necessarily endorse everything said on those sites listed. Enjoy!
Visit our News Page(Disclaimer: Remember that the media is very often anti-self-defense in their reporting)
The American Self-Defense Institute-
Christian Guide to Small Arms The Christian's Guide to Small Arms was developed in response to the fact that most American Christians have fallen into ignorance concerning the responsibilities and skills required of the Christian freeman
GunFax - the free pro-gun newsletter- GunFax is a free monthly pro-gun newsletter available online. GunFax seeks to educate, entertain, and inform with features such as terrific cartoons, Safe & Secure, Tales of Self-Defense, etc.
International Defensive Pistol Assoc.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership- JPFO 's ultimate mission is to protect your right to armed self-defense.
Myths About Gun Control "Firearms are used to commit as many as 650,000 crimes each year. But firearms are also used to prevent crimes as many as one million times each year. In fact, criminals are three times more likely to be killed by armed victims who resist them than by the police." This site maintained by the National Center for Policy Analysis. Good info
Second Amendment Law Library- Legal scholarship on the Second Amendment.
Women's Firearms Network
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